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Capacity building  and the benefits of volunteering

How can we recruit volunteers and build more awareness amongst Community build organizations. Just show them the advantages of volunteering.

Are you looking for a new leisure activity? Then consider volunteering. It gives meaning to your life, structure and it is a fun experience. For those who are not yet convinced, see here a list of scientifically proven benefits.

1. It is good for health

Research by Dr Suzanne Richards from the University of Exeter Medical School has shown that volunteering is good for your health. The study found that people who volunteer at least one hour per month have fewer health problems and are less likely to die within seven years. They also have a lower risk of depression and are generally more satisfied with their lives.

2. It changes the perception of time

People who give up their free time to volunteer surprisingly experience the feeling of having more hours in the week. This has been shown by research by Professor Cassie Mogilner. She links the data to previous studies, which showed that people who spend money on charities feel more prosperous. By giving up something for someone else, you experience as if you are getting something extra in return.

3. Less lonely

Volunteer work is a good remedy against loneliness. Two hours a week would be enough to reduce feelings of social isolation. Scientists suspect that this has to do with the fact that you are kept busy and interact with others.

4. It makes you happy

Scientists from the University of Exeter Medical School have shown that volunteers have a 20 percent lower risk of premature death than people who do not volunteer. They were also less likely to suffer from depression and were more satisfied with their lives.

5. It's good for your brain

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University have shown that the brains of volunteers function better. People over 59 who volunteer are better at brain games like word puzzles. Volunteering also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's. The scientists explained this connection because work makes you try new things and use your brain, which creates new neurological connections in the brain.


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